Both Chiropractic & Acupuncture visits build on each other. As you move forward in your holistic journey to wellness, you will discover the advantages of Continued Care far outweigh the advantages of rescue care.
The goal for the entire community. To achieve an effective level of function and continue to manage it with periodic visits, using a holistic approach to maintain the body, mind and spirit.
The average human body is complex. There are close to 37.2 trillion cells trying to work together. When your body is out of balance, some of those cells, while doing their job efficiently at surviving, can cause You to feel less than optimal.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” - Aristotle
As Certified Applied Clinical Nutritionists, we work toward solving the puzzle of what Your body needs, to return to being the Best Version of Yourself.

We'd love to sit and chat with you about life, but time is precious. We offer free workshops to discuss health and wellness that can help you and your loved ones get going in a positive direction.